Brainstorming for more content.
by sagotsky on Nov.17, 2013, under brainstorming
Posting about my homebrew game seemed like a good idea a few months ago. Then I stopped working on it and that stopped my posting.  Kinda forgot about that.
Anyway, I missed posting here so I’ve come up with a new type of post: brainstorming.
Rules have never been my forte. I can keep up with the optimizers, but that’s not why I play. As a GM I like sticking with the rules but I have no particular alligience to them.
I’m not much of an actor or narrator either. Other GMs entertain you with their performance. I feel my job’s done if I can shut up and let the players talk.
Where I think I do well as a GM is being creative. I like taking details that the players didn’t even notice and turning them into multi-session stories. I like combining aspects of each player’s backstory into the main plot so it feels personal to the players. I like letting the players add their own ideas to mine so something really unique comes out.
And that’s the part of GMing that I miss.
When I get ideas for games I usually stick them in a Google document. The next tmeI run a game I read through the document and harvest the relevant ideas. Sometimes they’re one liners and sometimes I just keep typing.
Well, I’m not going to run a game any time soon so that seems like I’m putting those ideas to waste. Instead what I’d like to do is post them here. Posts categorized as “brainstorming” are where I’m going to dump my ideas and expound on them. This should be a good way for me to live out part of what I miss about GMing and get some more posts going. I hope it’s interesting for other people to read about my creative process. We’ll see.
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