Game Mastery

Here we go again

by on Jul.07, 2009, under self improvement

I’m conisdering starting up another game.  Ostensibly it’s because I’m sick of being a PC, but really it’s because I miss writing posts here.

The problem is that my last game ended pretty recently and I haven’t recovered from GM fatigue yet.  Published campaigns are looking more and more attractive.  If only I hadn’t already attempted one and utterly hated it.   The other option is to run a standard game instead of my usual type of game.  The sort of thing that’s stereotypical D&D where dungeons can be stupidly complex because you don’t ask “who would ever build this thing?”

Or if anyone else has suggestions for how to deal with GM fatigue I’m glad to hear them.

1 comment for this entry:
  1. Crowbar

    I don’t think there’s anything wrong with published adventures, if you’re cool with spending the money for it. Then again (and it shames me to admit this), I’ve never really created a full campaign, just isolated adventures/missions. I have a tendency to just make things up off the top of my head, grab stats from other adventures, run the game.

    It hasn’t failed me. Yet.

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