Game Mastery

Online Roleplaying

by on Oct.09, 2009, under Uncategorized

Google Wave has potential to be an awesome platform for online roleplaying.  You heard it here first.

I’m not going to spend too much time discussing it, because plenty of other people already have, but google wave is what email should be.  It’s somewhere between mail, chat, and document.  And it can embed all sorts of funky widgets.  Why am I talking about it?  Because it just might be perfect for online RPGs.  People use forums, but they’re kludgey.  IRC works well enough for text and dice, but only for synchronous games.  Wave on the other hand is simple enough that it should get in the way of the game and advanced enough that you can (probably) incorporate dice rolling.  I won’t be surprised if you can (eventually) embed a map of some sort to replace MapTool.

I really don’t want to babble on about it for much longer.  Just read up on Google Wave and keep an eye out for how it could apply to gaming.

1 comment for this entry:
  1. Jokasti

    Yeah, Wave does look awesome.

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